Sunday 13 October 2013

Term 4

Wow it is Term 4 already. We have got a very exciting term ahead.

Important Dates:
Senior School Swimming Weeks 4-6
Friday 22nd November Tuvaluuan Assembly
Wednesday 27th November  Town Hall Choir Festival
Saturday 30th November Ukelele Festival
Wednesday 11th Devember Manaakitanga Prize giving and End of Year Celebration
Friday 13th December Graduation Assembly
Friday 13th December Year 6 Graduation Dance

Term 4 - Communicators
This term we will be asking:
Why is it important to be an effective communicator in the 21st Century?
How do I make a difference?

Curriculum Focuses This Term:
English- Narrative, socialise.
Maths- Geometry, Statistics, Algebra
Technology- Process

Just a reminder that there is no set Home Learning this term.


Whaea Scarlett